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  • 10 vibes for Giresun

    like locals

    Breakfast; do not leave the city before tasting the magnificent Giresun pidesi for your breakfast.

    Gazi Street; you will enjoy walking along the street, which is closed to vehicle traffic, with many shops of various sizes and the unique Black Sea view downwards.

    Giresun Castle; the castle is located on the volcanic rock overlooking the city, at the highest point of the peninsula, which is a first degree natural and archaeological site and divides Giresun into two. The fortress walls start from the southwest, surround the city, and extend to the northeast. The castle is also an ideal point to watch Giresun, where green and blue converge, from above.

    Giresun Island; The island, formerly known as Aretias and Khalkeritis, is an archaeological-natural site that was inhabited in ancient and medieval times and is the only island in the Black Sea.

    Zeytinlik District; this neighborhood in Giresun city center is a 3rd-degree urban protected area. The Zeytinlik houses, which were built with materials imported from Europe about two centuries ago and inhabited by Greeks and Turks for years, are an inspiration to the folk songs and make visitors travel through history.

    Children's Library (Historic Catholic Church); The Historic Catholic Church, which is estimated to be from early 19th century and started to be used as a Children's Library in 1967.

    Giresun (Gogora) Museum; the 150-year-old Orthodox church from the middle of the 19th century was built by Greeks that resided in the region. It was used as a church until 1924.

    Giresun Simidi; The kneaded sourdough is shaped like a bagel and boiled in hot water, soaked in grape molasses, and finally baked using a wood fire in a stone oven.

    Giresun Hazelnut; Giresun is the homeland of hazelnuts and the province has the highest quality hazelnuts in the world. Our city, which is located on the lands starting from the seashore up to the mountain villages, is covered with hazelnut gardens.

    Giresun Kadayıfı; “When thin kadayıf comes together with milk sherbet and Giresun hazelnut, it gives an irresistible taste. The tradition of kadayif in Giresun started specifically for the month of Ramadan and became a local flavor by combining with Giresun hazelnuts, the best quality in the world.”